
Our Vision

Founded in 2016, Socio-Ecological Solutions (SES) envisions a world where nonprofits and social good based organizations are able to fully serve the needs of their constituencies. Using the Socio-Ecological framework for public health as a model, SES takes a holistic approach to help non-profit organizations and social enterprises measure their impact, increase capacity, and build diverse portfolios of sustainable, long-term revenue sources.

With a combined 15 years of experience in the non-profit sector, SES has proven success in coaching organizations on strategy, fundraising, program design, evaluation, community organizing, and more. Our multidisciplinary backgrounds span public health, the arts, media, education, and international relations. Our strong focus on skills- and knowledge-building means we equip our clients with the tools they need to become self-sufficient, robust institutions.

Please visit our Services page to learn more about how we can help your organization scale its impact.


Who We Are

Gillian Adler


For over 10 years, Gillian Adler has been a nonprofit career maverick including stints in hospitals, political advocacy, and community organizations. She has hopped between programs and development working tirelessly to raise nearly $5 million  from community foundation and federal contracts. What has always been true in her work is that she tirelessly works towards building a healthier future through the arts, providing affordable, dependable solutions to all of her clients so that we can all reside in a more equitable world.

Contact Gillian: gillian@socioecologicalsolutions.com